Stakeholder Churches


Stakeholder Churches are churches who believe in the dream of seeing a church planting movement in North Carolina that gives every man, woman and child the opportunity to respond to the good news of Jesus Christ. Stakeholder Churches contribute to help cover the operational costs needed to keep Carolina Movement moving and make it possible for every dime of new sending churches to go supporting their designated church plant.


One thing that makes the Carolina Movement so unique is that 100% of the funds given by sending churches go to their designated church plant! How are we able to do that? Great question! We have a core group of Stakeholder churches who cover the operational costs of Carolina Movement so that 100% of sending church contributions go to support their chosen church plant. Stakeholders Church are a critical part of the mission to help every church become a church planting church!


Helping Other Churches

Stakeholder Churches make it possible for sending churches who are often planting a church for the very first time to see their kingdom investment maximized.

Seat at the Table

Stakeholder Churches are invited to a monthly Stakeholder meeting where they have the opportunity to hear about and speak into the future of Carolina Movement.

Resident Recruitment

Stakeholder Churches are eligible to host Carolina Movement Church Planter Residents and are listed in available church planter residency opportunities as we actively recruit new residents.

Training Opportunities

Stakeholder Churches receive coaching from our Carolina Movement staff in setting up a church planting residency at their church as well as free tickets for their team to our annual church planting gathering.

Mutual Collaboration

Stakeholder Churches have the unique opportunity to regularly collaborate with other church planting churches who share the same commitment and passion for church planting.

What Leaders are Saying