April 5-6th
Join us for our third annual Carolina Movement Statewide Prayer Walk! Churches from all across North Carolina will hit the streets on the same weekend to plead with God to bring lost sons and daughters in our community and state back home. The prayer walk will raise awareness of the lostness in NC and awaken a passion for prayer, evangelism, and church planting in your local church.
All North Carolina Churches are invited to participate regardless of your involvement with Carolina Movement! We are praying for a cross denominational uniting of Bible-believing Christian Churches uniting under the name of Jesus to cover our state and their community in prayer for people in NC to know the good news of Jesus and find their way home.
Prayer Walk Highlight
We are in awe at how God has brought HIS CHURCH together from all across North Carolina over the past several years to cry out for prodigal sons & daughters to come home. Thank you to the 100+ churches who have prayer walked across our state. We believe your outpouring of prayer is directly related to us seeing over 1,000 Baptisms at our CM Church Plants!
Register for the Statewide Prayer Walk
Carolina Movement provides all the resources you need to help your church have an incredible experience at our Statewide Prayer Walk! We provide graphics, promotional materials, social media posts, prayer prompts, day of ideas and an event guide. Once you register you will receive access to our Google Resource Drive.