Pastor Lunches

Join us!

Carolina Movement Regional Pastor lunches are a core part of our regional strategy to plant churches in all 100 North Carolina counties!


FREQUENCY: Monthly on the same day of the month (ie Fourth Wednesday)

TIME OF DAY: We have found that lunchtime works best for most pastors because you already have built-in time to eat lunch each day, so it doesn’t feel like you are losing significant time that you could be doing other ministry tasks.

LOCATION: Local! Our goal with our regional pastor lunches is that it’s a central location for local area pastors. We’ve found having pastor lunches close by makes the drive time not a significant factor, increasing regular attendance and helps build critical relationships with local pastors who are in your corner! We have also found that a restaurant with a private room or area is the ideal environment. Food is a great social lubricant, and having it outside a church building tends to help pastors loosen up and be real with one another.

Join a Lunch

We have more than a dozen regional lunches from the coast to the mountains, and we’re constantly starting new pastor lunches in new regions as we grow. Click the “FIND A LUNCH” button to find the pastor lunch closest to you. If you don’t see one and are interested in helping to start a lunch in your area of North Carolina, let us know!